Common Part 1 IELTS Speaking Topics

Common Part 1 IELTS Speaking Topics

In the IELTS Speaking Part 1, you’ll typically encounter questions about familiar topics, such as your personal life and everyday experiences. Here are some common IELTS Speaking Topics themes you might come across:

  1. Work or Studies: Questions about your job, studies, or university. These might include what you do, why you chose it, and what you like about it.
  2. Home: Queries about your living situation, such as the type of home you live in, your neighbourhood, and what you like or dislike about it.
  3. Hobbies and Interests: Discussing your hobbies, leisure activities, and interests. This can include questions about what you do in your free time, any sports or hobbies you enjoy, and how often you do these activities.
  4. Daily Routine: Questions about your typical day. This could include your daily schedule, morning or evening routines, and how you usually spend your weekdays and weekends.
  5. Family and Friends: Talking about your family and friends, such as who you are close to, what you like to do together, and how often you meet.
  6. Food and Cooking: Questions about your dietary habits and cooking skills, including your favourite foods, meals you can cook, and your general interest in cooking.
  7. Travel and Holidays: Discussing your travel experiences, favourite holiday destinations, and any upcoming travel plans.
  8. Music, Books, and Movies: Discussing your preferences in entertainment, including your favourite music, books, and movies, and how often you engage with these forms of entertainment.

These topics are designed to be about familiar subjects, allowing you to speak comfortably and naturally. Remember, the key in Part 1 is to respond fluently and coherently, giving complete answers but not overly long or complex responses. Practice speaking about these topics with a friend, a native English speaking Teacher or even record yourself, to improve your fluency and confidence.

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