IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions Topics And Vocabulary – Set 1

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions Topics And Vocabulary - Set 1

In this post titled “IELTS Speaking Part 2 Practice Questions with Useful Vocabulary,” we will be looking at 5 IELTS Part 2 Questions covering the following topics.

  • A Memorable Trip
  • An Enjoyable Book
  • A Historical Place You Visited
  • A Person Who Has Had A Significant Influence on You
  • A Hobby or Leisure Activity You Enjoy

Part 2 known as the ‘Long Turn,’ is vital for evaluating your ability to speak coherently and fluently on a given topic within a limited timeframe. There are useful lists of vocabulary in this post categorised according to “words and phrases”, “phrasal verbs”, “idioms”, “collocations” and “modern English slang” for you to use when answering each of these questions during your study and practice.

Incorporating a varied vocabulary of different structures demonstrates a high command of the English Language. To excel, a strong vocabulary is crucial, and this post provides valuable vocabulary you can use to enhance your answer and increase your band score.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Practice Questions

  1. Describe a memorable trip you have taken.
  • Where did you go on this trip?
  • Who did you go with?
  • What were the most memorable moments of the trip?
  • How did this trip impact you?
  1. Talk about a book that you recently read and enjoyed.
  • What is the title and author of the book?
  • What is the book about?
  • Why did you like this book?
  • How has this book influenced your thinking?
  1. Describe a historical place you have visited.
  • What is the name and location of this place?
  • When and why did you visit it?
  • What historical significance does it have?
  • How did you feel when you were there?
  1. Discuss a person in your life who has had a significant influence on you.
  • Who is this person and how do you know them?
  • What qualities or actions of this person have influenced you?
  • How has this influence shaped your life?
  • Do you think you would be a different person without their influence?
  1. Describe a hobby or leisure activity that you enjoy.
  • What is this hobby or activity?
  • How did you become interested in it?
  • Why do you enjoy it?
  • How does it benefit your life or personal development?


Useful Words And Phrases Related To The Questions

  1. A Memorable Trip:
  • Destination: exotic, picturesque, tranquil
  • Companions: travel companions, adventurous spirit
  • Memorable Moments: breathtaking scenery, cultural experiences, adrenaline rush
  • Impact: broadened my horizons, changed my perspective, lifelong memories
  1. An Enjoyed Book:
  • Title and Author: bestseller, penned by, literary masterpiece
  • Book’s Content: gripping plot, relatable characters, thought-provoking themes
  • Liked the Book: kept me engaged, couldn’t put it down, page-turner
  • Influence on Thinking: expanded my knowledge, deepened my understanding, changed my outlook
  1. A Visit To A Historical Place:
  • Name and Location: renowned landmark, situated in, historical site
  • Visit Details: educational trip, guided tour, historical significance
  • Feelings: awe-inspiring, humbled, appreciative
  • Historical Significance: played a pivotal role, witnessed important events, cultural heritage
  1. An Influential Person:
  • Know Them: close friend, mentor, family member
  • Qualities/Actions: supportive, encouraging, offered guidance
  • Influence on You: helped me grow, shaped my values, motivated me
  • Different Person: pivotal in my life, a guiding light, profound impact
  1. An Enjoyed Hobby/Activity:
  • Hobby/Activity:  pastime, leisure pursuit, recreational interest
  • Becoming Interested: stumbled upon, piqued my curiosity, hobbyist community
  • Enjoyment: stress-reliever, source of joy, creative outlet
  • Benefits: enhances my skills, improves my well-being, a welcome distraction

Phrasal Verbs

Here is a list of phrasal verbs that can be used for each question above. Each phrasal verb has been used with an example sentence.

  1. A Memorable Trip:
  • Set off: We set off on our journey early in the morning.
  • Take in: We took in the stunning views along the way.
  • Look back on: I often look back on that trip with fond memories.
  • Bring about: The trip brought about a positive change in my life.
  1. An Enjoyed Book:
  • Dive into: I couldn’t wait to dive into the book as soon as I got it.
  • Turn out: The book turned out to be an incredible read.
  • Get lost in: I got lost in the world the author created.
  • Open up: Reading that book opened up new perspectives for me.
  1. A Visit To A Historical Place:
  • Head to: We headed to the historical site early in the morning.
  • Take part in: We took part in a guided tour to learn more about it.
  • Soak up: I tried to soak up as much history as I could.
  • Get a sense of: Visiting the place, I got a sense of its significance.
  1. An Influential Person:
  • Look up to: I’ve always looked up to my mentor for guidance.
  • Bring out: They brought out the best in me with their support.
  • Lean on: During tough times, I leaned on my close friend for advice.
  • Shape up: My family has shaped me into the person I am today.
  1. An Enjoyed Hobby/Activity:
  • Take up: I recently took up painting as a new hobby.
  • Wind down: I use this activity to wind down and relax after work.
  • Brush up on: I’m constantly brushing up on my skills in this hobby.
  • Get into: I got into this hobby after attending a workshop.


Here is a list of idioms that can be used for each question above. Each idiom has been used with an example sentence.

  1. A Memorable Trip:
  • A trip down memory lane: That vacation was like a trip down memory lane, full of nostalgia.
  • Hit the road: We hit the road early, eager to explore the new destination.
  • Live out of a suitcase: I felt like I was living out of a suitcase during that adventure.
  • Change of scenery: The trip provided a refreshing change of scenery.
  1. An Enjoyed Book:
  • Read between the lines: When reading, I like to read between the lines to understand the deeper meaning.
  • Bite the bullet: I had a busy week, but I decided to bite the bullet and finish the book.
  • In the same chapter: I feel like the main character in the book is in the same chapter of life as me.
  • Lost in a good book: I often get lost in a good book for hours.
  1. A Visit To A Historical Place:
  • Back in the day: Back in the day, this historical place was bustling with activity.
  • In the footsteps of history: Walking through the site, I felt like I was in the footsteps of history.
  • Old as the hills: The historical place is old as the hills, with a rich past.
  • Time stands still: It felt like time stands still when you’re at such a place.
  1. An Influential Person:
  • A guiding light: My mentor has always been a guiding light in my life.
  • In my corner: My close friend has always been in my corner, supporting me.
  • Walking on air: Their advice made me feel like I was walking on air.
  • Shape up or ship out: My family’s values taught me to shape up or ship out.
  1. An Enjoyed Hobby/Activity:
  • Kick back and relax: This hobby is my way to kick back and relax after a long day.
  • On a learning curve: I’m constantly on a learning curve with this new hobby.
  • Find your rhythm: It’s important to find your rhythm in any hobby.

These idioms will make your IELTS responses more colourful and expressive, demonstrating your proficiency in English.


Here is a list of collocations that can be used for each question above. Each collocation has been used with an example sentence.

  1. A Memorable Trip:
  • Embark on a trip: We embarked on a thrilling trip to the mountains.
  • Capture the moment: I tried to capture the memorable moments on camera.
  • Travel in style: We decided to travel in style, staying at luxury hotels.
  • Make lasting memories: That trip allowed us to make lasting memories.
  1. An Enjoyed Book:
  • Engrossing read: The book turned out to be an engrossing read.
  • Get lost in a book: I love to get lost in a good book on weekends.
  • Avid reader: I’ve always been an avid reader, and this book was a treat.
  • Turn the pages: I couldn’t wait to turn the pages to see what happened next.
  1. A Visit To A Historical Place:
  • Explore a site: We took our time to explore every corner of the historical site.
  • Immerse in history: Visiting the site allowed us to immerse in history.
  • Rich cultural heritage: The historical place is a testament to our rich cultural heritage.
  • Take a guided tour: We decided to take a guided tour to learn more.
  1. An Influential Person:
  • Seek guidance: I often seek guidance from my mentor in challenging times.
  • Offer support: My close friend has always offered unwavering support.
  • Shape one’s character: My family played a pivotal role in shaping my character.
  • Be a role model: My older sibling has been a great role model for me.
  1. An Enjoyed Hobby/Activity:
  • Take up a hobby: I recently decided to take up a new hobby, gardening.
  • Hone your skills: I’m constantly honing my skills in this hobby.
  • A relaxing pastime: My hobby is a relaxing pastime that helps me unwind.
  • Find your passion: It’s important to find your passion in a leisure activity.

These collocations will help you express your ideas more naturally and fluently during your IELTS speaking test.

Modern English Slang Phrases

Here are some modern English slang terms and phrases that can be used in the context of the questions. An example sentence has been used with each phrase.

Remember to use slang appropriately, considering the context and the formality of your IELTS speaking test. It’s best to use such language sparingly and in suitable situations.

1. A Memorable Trip:

  •    Epic adventure: That trip was an epic adventure.
  •    Game-changer: This trip was a total game-changer for me.

2. An Enjoyed Book:

  •    Page-turner: Trust me, this book is a real page-turner.
  •    Mind-blown: This book left me absolutely mind-blown.

3. A Visit To A Historical Place:

  •    History geeked out: I totally geeked out on the history of the place.
  •    Iconic: That place is iconic.

4. An Influential Person:

  •    My ride-or-die: My close friend is my absolute ride-or-die.
  •    Squad goals: Our family is total squad goals when it comes to support.

5. An Enjoyed Hobby/Activity:

  •    Zen time: My hobby is my zen time.
  •    Passion project: My hobby is my passion project.

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