IELTS Writing Task 1 Template Layout

IELTS Writing Task 1 Template Layout

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, often perceived as challenging, can be approached effectively with the right structure and layout. Let’s dive into how to organize your writing for Task 1 to impress the examiners.

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 1

Firstly, it’s essential to understand what IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 entails. You’ll be presented with a graph, table, chart, or diagram and asked to describe, summarize, or explain the information in your own words. This task tests your ability to identify significant details, compare data, and organize information logically.

Template for IELTS Writing Task 1

  1. Introduction (1-2 sentences 30 words): Begin by paraphrasing the question. This means you rewrite the prompt in your own words, showing the examiner your vocabulary range and ability to express ideas differently. Avoid copying the question directly.
  2. Overview of the main features (1-2 sentences 40 words): This is a crucial part of your response. Provide a clear and concise summary of the main trends, differences, or stages without specific data. Consider answering the question, “What are the general trends or features I see?”
  3. Body Paragraphs (2-3 paragraphs 6-8 sentences 90 words): Here, you delve into details. Divide the data into logical sections. Each paragraph should cover a different aspect of the graph or chart. Describe the most significant trends in detail, using data to support your observations. Compare and contrast the information when relevant. If there are comparisons to be made, this is where you make them. Ensure you refer to specific data points.
  4. Conclusion (Optional): In Task 1, a conclusion isn’t always necessary. You may not need one if you’ve clearly presented an overview and detailed paragraphs. However, if you choose to include it, briefly summarize the main trends without adding new information.

Key Tips for Success

  • Coherence and Cohesion: Use linking words to connect your ideas smoothly. Phrases like “in contrast,” “moreover,” and “as for” help maintain flow.
  • Lexical Resource: Use a range of vocabulary to describe trends and data. Words like “increase,” “decline,” “fluctuate,” and “remain steady” are useful.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Use a variety of sentence structures. Mix simple and complex sentences to show linguistic competence.
  • Accuracy in Data Representation: Always ensure the information you provide is accurate according to the data given. Misinterpreting data can lower your score.

Sample IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Answer

Here is a sample answer for an IELTS Academic Writing Task 1. Let’s assume the task involves describing a line graph that shows the changes in the number of visitors to three museums over a six-year period.


The line graph compares the number of visitors to three different museums over a period of six years from 2010 to 2016. Overall, Museum A was the most popular, but Museum B surpassed it by the end of the period, whilst Museum C struggled to maintain a consistent visitor count over the six years. 

In 2010, Museum A had approximately 500,000 visitors, and over the following two years, the number of visitors to Museum A increased sharply, reaching a peak of nearly 700,000 in 2012.However, in 2016, this trend reversed and dropped slightly to just over 650,000.

Conversely, Museum B saw a steady growth in visitors. From 450,000 visitors in 2010, it experienced a gradual increase, overtaking Museum A in 2014 and reaching a high of around 800,000 by 2016.

Museum C’s visitor count fluctuated throughout the period. After a dramatic rise to 500,000 in 2011, the figures fell to around 300,000 in 2012 and continued to vary around this level, ending slightly higher in 2016.

Practice Makes Perfect

Now that you know the structure, practice is key. Try writing essays using different types of charts or graphs. After writing, review your work to see if you’ve included all parts of the structure and followed the tips provided.

Remember, achieving a high score in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 is absolutely possible with dedication and practice. Stay motivated and believe in your ability to improve. Each practice session brings you closer to your goal.

For more resources, tips, and practice materials, check out our other blog posts about IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking.

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