Sentence Word Order Exercise and Answers

Sentence Word Order Exercise and Answers


Put the words in the correct order to create sentences. Use all the words given to make your sentence


Cat / boy / the / on / playing / the / fence / looking / is / the / at / football

Answer: The cat is on the fence looking at the boy playing football.

Sentence Word Order Questions:

  1. although / the / is / movie / I / interesting / find / it / too / long.
  2. she / because / was / could / not / come / She / sick.
  3. if / you / the / don’t / understand / question / ask / the / teacher / to / repeat / it.
  4. I / would / have / attended / the / meeting / had / I / known / about / it.
  5. will / if / study / pass / you / test / the / hard / you.
  6. unable / to / spicy / because / hurts / my / am / eat / I / stomach / food / it
  7. he / Although / was / tired / continued / he / to / work.
  8. hardworking / is / talented / she / as / she / as / is.
  9. can’t / go / unless / I / my / I / finish / out / work
  10. she / the / even / though / sun / was / shining / took / umbrella / an.
  11. won’t / you / they / help / you / unless / it / for / ask
  12. rain / doesn’t / out / if / it / go / will / we
  13. provided / You / can / that / attend / you / finish / your / homework.
  14. we / leave / can / are / you / ready / when
  15. had / He / he / breakfast / before / left.
  16. though / He / managed / to / win / tough / the / was / competition / even.
  17. she / not / she / her / do / not / will / does / homework / go / if
  18. you / tell / the / me / truth / Unless / I / will / not / help / you.
  19. the / traffic / late / they / are / because / heavy / is
  20. my / instructions / can / help / provided  / you / follow / you / I
  21. I / can / the / time / find / finish / report / I / if / will / the
  22. can / the / We / win / game / if / we / work / together.
  23. to / I / used / afraid / be / of / heights.
  24. despite / being / She / succeeded / young.
  25. he / see / well / continued / driving / not / could / although / he

Sentence Word Order Answers

  1. I find the movie interesting, although it is too long.
  2. She could not come because she was sick.
  3. Ask the teacher to repeat the question if you don’t understand it.
  4. I would have attended the meeting had I known about it.
  5. You will pass the test if you study hard.
  6. I am unable to eat spicy food because it hurts my stomach.
  7. Although he was tired, he continued to work.
  8. She is as talented as she is hardworking.
  9. I can’t go out unless I finish my work.
  10. She took an umbrella even though the sun was shining.
  11. They won’t help you unless you ask for it.
  12. We will go out if it doesn’t rain.
  13. You can attend provided that you finish your homework.
  14. When you are ready, we can leave.
  15. He had breakfast before he left.
  16. He managed to win even though the competition was tough.
  17. She will not go if she does not do her homework.
  18. I will not help you unless you tell me the truth.
  19. They are late because the traffic is heavy.
  20. I can help you provided you follow my instructions.
  21. I will finish the report if I can find the time.
  22. We can win the game if we work together.
  23. I used to be afraid of heights.
  24. She succeeded despite being young.
  25. Although he could not see well, he continued driving.

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