TOEFL Question 2 Phrases For Your Speaking

TOEFL Question 2 Phrases For Your Speaking

Crafting an articulate and logically structured response in TOEFL Speaking Question 2 is crucial for a high score. Using these TOEFL Question 2 Phrases in this guide will give you specific sentences and phrases to structure your answer effectively.

TOEFL Question 2 Phrases for Each Section of the Speaking Template

  1. Introduction (Reading Main Point)
    • Begin with: “According to the announcement/article/letter…”
    • For example: “According to the announcement, the university plans to revamp its cafeteria services.”
  2. Reasons from Reading
    • Start with: “This is because ___ and ___.”
    • For instance: “This is because the current services are not meeting student needs and there’s a demand for healthier food options.”
  3. Transition
    • Choose one: “The man/woman opposes/supports this change.” or “The man/woman has a mixed opinion of this change.”
    • For example: “The woman in the conversation opposes this change.”
  4. First Reason
    • Begin with: “First of all, he/she argues that…”
    • Example: “First of all, she argues that the proposed changes will significantly increase the cost for students, which could be a financial burden.”
  5. Second Reason
    • Use: “Moreover, he/she mentions that…”
    • Example: “Moreover, she mentions that the plan doesn’t consider students with specific dietary needs, which could limit their food options.”

Additional Useful Phrases

  • To introduce an additional point: “In addition to this…”
  • To provide an example: “For instance,…” or “For example,…”
  • To conclude: “To summarize…” or “In conclusion…”

Final Tips

  • Always link your ideas using transitions or linking words like “firstly,” “secondly,” “moreover,” and “therefore.”
  • Keep your sentences clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary fillers.
  • Practice using these phrases in different contexts to become comfortable with them.
  • Remember, the effectiveness of your response also depends on how well you paraphrase the content from the reading and listening materials.

Using structured templates and specific phrases can significantly enhance the quality of your responses in TOEFL Speaking Question 2. By practising these phrases, you can deliver more coherent, concise, and well-structured answers, which are key to achieving a high score​​​​​​​​​​.

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