TOEFL Question 4 Phrases For Your Speaking

TOEFL Question 4 Phrases For Your Speaking

When tackling Question 4 in the TOEFL speaking section, the structure of your response is crucial. Here are some specific TOEFL Question 4 phrases that follow the Question 4 Template that you can adapt to build a logical and impressive answer.

TOEFL Question 4 Phrases For Each Template Section

Here are some TOEFL Question 4 Phrases you can use for delivering your response

Crafting Your Introduction:

Begin by clearly stating the topic of the lecture. You can use variations of the following sentences:

  • “The lecture is primarily concerned with [topic].”
  • “The lecture provided an in-depth discussion on [topic].”
  • “The professor introduced the concept of [topic] and explored its implications.”

Developing the Main Points:

After setting the stage, delve into the core of the lecture. Here are some sentence structures to present the main points:

  • “The lecturer emphasized the importance of [main idea] by highlighting [key detail].”
  • “According to the lecture, one of the key points was [main idea], which was supported by [evidence or example].”
  • “The professor outlined [main idea] and substantiated it with [evidence or example].”

Incorporating Examples

Examples are the meat of your response, providing evidence of your understanding. Use these sentences to present them:

  • “For instance, the lecture mentioned [example], which serves as evidence for [main idea].”
  • “To illustrate this point, the professor described [example], which underpins [aspect of the main idea].
  • “An interesting example given was [example], which clearly demonstrates [relationship to the main idea].”

Concluding Your Response

A conclusion solidifies your response. Wrap up with sentences like these:

  • “In conclusion, the lecture effectively outlined [main topic] by discussing [main points] and providing [examples].”
  • “Overall, the professor’s discussion of [main topic] shed light on [key aspects], as demonstrated by the examples of [examples].”
  • “To sum up, the lecture gave us a comprehensive understanding of [main topic] through an examination of [main points] and particularly through the discussion of [examples].”

Linking It All Together

Here’s how you might combine these sentences for a coherent response:

  • “The lecture is primarily concerned with [topic]. The lecturer emphasized the importance of [main idea] by highlighting [key detail]. For instance, the lecture mentioned [example], which serves as evidence for [main idea]. In conclusion, the lecture effectively outlined [main topic] by discussing [main points] and providing [examples].”

Final Tips For Using TOEFL Speaking Question 4 Phrases

Remember to personalize these sentences to fit the specific content of the lecture you’ll summarize. Practice with various topics to get comfortable with this structure, and soon, you’ll find yourself delivering responses with ease and precision.

Use The Phrases With The Template For Success

By using the phrases with the Question 4 template, you can structure your TOEFL Speaking Question 4 responses in a clear, logical manner that will be easy for the examiners to follow and evaluate positively. So, keep practising and refining your speaking skills to excel in the TOEFL Speaking section.

For further guidance and examples, check out our other TOEFL Speaking Resources.

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