TOEFL Speaking Question 2 Template

TOEFL Speaking Question 2 Template

Achieving success in the TOEFL Speaking Question 2 section, commonly known as the “Campus Announcement”, requires a strategic approach. This task involves reading a short announcement or article about a campus-related change, followed by a conversation between two students discussing it. Here’s a guide to help you excel in this part of the test.

Understanding the TOEFL Speaking Question 2 Format

  • Reading Phase: You start by reading a brief announcement or article (around 100 words) describing a change on a university campus. This could relate to university facilities, classes, transportation, or extracurricular activities. You’ll have 45 seconds for this part.
  • Listening Phase: Next, you listen to a conversation between two students discussing the announcement. One student will either agree or disagree with the change, providing reasons that typically respond to the reading.
  • Response Phase: You’ll have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak. Your task is to summarize both the reading and the conversation, focusing mainly on the conversation.

Template for Answering Question 2

Let’s look at a Sample Question 2 and how to use a Speaking Template to answer this question.

TOEFL Sample Question 2

Read the following campus announcement. You have 45 seconds to read this announcement.

University Announcement: Closure of Campus Fitness Center

The university administration has decided to close the campus fitness centre by the end of the semester. This decision is driven by the high maintenance costs associated with the facility and the availability of various private gyms in the surrounding area that offer more comprehensive services and better equipment. The administration believes that this move will allocate resources more efficiently and benefit the university in the long run.

Now listen to 2 students discussing the announcement

Student 1: I completely disagree with the university’s decision to close the campus fitness center.

Student 2 : Why do you oppose the plan?

Student 1: Well, first of all, closing the fitness center won’t actually save money in the way the university thinks. Even if it’s closed, the building will still require regular maintenance to avoid deterioration and potential safety hazards. In fact, without regular use, the facility might end up costing more due to neglect.

Student 2: That’s an interesting point. Is there another reason?

Student 1: Yes, the private gyms mentioned in the announcement are quite far from the campus. Many students don’t have personal transportation, so it would be highly inconvenient for them to access these gyms. The campus fitness center is easily accessible and provides a convenient option for all students to maintain their health and fitness.

Student 2: I see your point of view and how impractical the university’s decision is. It doesn’t seem like they’ve made the right decision to close the fitness centre at all.


The man expresses his opinion of the university’s announcement. State his opinion and the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

You have 30 seconds to prepare your answer, and then you need to speak for 60 seconds.

How to Use the Template to Answer This Question

Now let’s look at how to answer this question effectively using a template step by step:

  1. Introduction (3 seconds): Start by briefly summarizing the main point of the reading. For example, “According to the announcement, the university plans to close the campus fitness centre.”
  2. Reasons from Reading (15 seconds): Mention the reasons provided in the reading. For example, “This is because the maintenance costs are high, and there are gyms available with better equipment and facilities that students can use. Further, the university believes that by closing the gym, they will be able to allocate those resources more efficiently, which will benefit the university in the long run.”
  3. Transition (2 seconds): Indicate the student’s stance in the conversation. For example, “However, the student strongly opposes this plan.”
  4. First Reason (19 seconds): Elaborate on the first reason given by the student. For example, “He argues that closing the centre is impractical and will not save any money because the building will still need maintenance to avoid deterioration and potential safety hazards. In the long run, the building could end up costing more due to neglect.”
  5. Second Reason (19 seconds): Discuss the second reason. For example, “Additionally, he points out that the private gyms are too far from campus, making it inconvenient for students without personal transportation to access them. The campus fitness centre is more accessible and convenient for students to use to maintain their health and fitness.”
  6. Concluding Statement (Optional 2 seconds): If you have time left over when speaking, add a concluding statement. For example, “Therefore for these reasons the student strongly opposes the university’s plan to close the fitness centre”

TOEFL Question 2 Sample Answer

Here is the sample answer for the question:

According to the announcement, the university plans to close the campus fitness centre. This is because the maintenance costs are high, and there are gyms available with better equipment and facilities that students can use. Further, the university believes that by closing the gym, they will be able to allocate those resources more efficiently, which will benefit the university in the long run.

However, the student strongly opposes this plan. He argues that closing the centre is impractical and will not save any money because the building will still need maintenance to avoid deterioration and potential safety hazards. In the long run the building could end up costing more due to neglect. Additionally, he points out that the private gyms are too far from campus, making it inconvenient for students without personal transportation to access them. The campus fitness centre is more accessible and convenient for students to use to maintain their health and fitness.

Therefore, for these reasons, the student strongly opposes the university’s plan to close the fitness centre

Tips for Success for TOEFL Speaking Question 2

  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to the conversation and take notes to capture the main arguments.
  • Effective Paraphrasing: Show your language proficiency by rephrasing the points in your own words.
  • Balanced Summary: Spend around 15 seconds speaking on the reading and the rest on the conversation.
  • Clear Structure: Use the template to structure your response logically.
  • Time Management: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to cover all points in 60 seconds.

Mastering TOEFL Speaking Question 2 requires understanding its structure and practising with a clear strategy. Use the provided template as a guideline, and remember to focus on delivering a concise and well-structured summary. Regular practice and these tips will enhance your ability to perform well in this section of the TOEFL exam​​​​​​.

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