TOEFL Speaking Question 3 Template

TOEFL Speaking Question 3 Template

Question 3 in the TOEFL speaking section challenges test-takers to summarise and explain complex ideas from both reading and listening materials. To excel, a strategic approach is required. In this post, we’ll explore a template to help you deliver a structured, clear response that can elevate your performance for TOEFL Speaking Question 3.

Understanding TOEFL Speaking Question 3

This integrated task involves reading a short academic passage, listening to a related lecture, and then speaking about how the lecture either supports or challenges the points made in the reading. You’ll have 45 seconds to read the passage and 30 seconds to prepare your response after listening to the lecture, followed by 60 seconds to speak​.

Template for Answering TOEFL Speaking Question 3

Step 1: Introduction

Begin by briefly stating the main topic of the reading and lecture. For example:

  • “The reading discusses [main topic], and the lecture provides further insight by [briefly stating the relationship to the reading].”

Step 2: Reading Summary

Summarize the key points from the reading. You don’t need to mention every detail, just the main idea:

  • “According to the reading, [first key point]. Additionally, [second key point].

Step 3: Connection

Make clear connections between the reading and lecture. It’s essential to show how one complements or contradicts the other:

  • “These examples from the lecture [support/challenge] the reading by [explain how].”

Step 4: Lecture Summary

Transition smoothly into the lecture’s content. Here, you should illustrate how the lecture builds upon or refutes the reading:

  • “The professor elaborates on this by providing examples. Firstly, [describe the first example or point from the lecture]. Next, [describe the second example or point from the lecture].”

Step 5: Conclusion

Conclude your response by briefly summarizing the relationship between the reading and lecture:

  • “In conclusion, the lecture [reinforces/contradicts] the reading by [final summary of how they relate].”

Key Tips for Execution

  • Practice Note-Taking: Efficient note-taking is critical. Write down key terms and main points quickly and legibly.
  • Paraphrase Wisely: Don’t memorize the template. Instead, use your own words to avoid sounding rehearsed.
  • Time Management: Practice with a timer to ensure you can complete your response within the 60-second timeframe.
  • Clear Pronunciation: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to ensure the examiner understands your response.
  • Cohesive Transitions: Connect your ideas smoothly using linking words and transitional phrases.

Understand, Organise and Impress

The TOEFL speaking section can be daunting, but with this template and some practice, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle Question 3 confidently. Remember, the key is to understand the material, organise your thoughts quickly, and express your response clearly and cohesively. Good luck!

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