59 Must Know TOEFL Vocabulary Words

59 must know TOEFL Vocabulary Words

Preparing for your TOEFL exam involves building up your vocabulary for the exam. A robust grasp of English words is crucial for the test and academic success in English-speaking environments. In this blog post you will find a list of TOEFL vocabulary words you must know for your exam. The list includes definitions and sample sentences to make studying the vocabulary easier. Use this list as part of your test prep.

The Importance of Vocabulary in the TOEFL Test

The TOEFL exam tests your ability to understand and use the English language academically. A strong vocabulary enhances your ability to understand test questions, write essays, and comprehend reading materials. 

How to Use This TOEFL Vocabulary List

Before diving into the vocabulary list, knowing how to use it effectively to study is important. Using online tools and resources such as flashcards can make learning vocabulary easier. Other ways to master these words and learn them effectively include practice exercises and writing your own sentences.

Comprehensive TOEFL Vocabulary List

Below you will find a detailed TOEFL vocabulary list presented in a table format. This list covers commonly tested words particularly useful for TOEFL test-takers. Each entry includes the word, its definition, and a sample sentence to illustrate its use in context.

WordPart of SpeechDefinitionSample Sentence
AnalysisNounDetailed examination of the elements or structure of somethingThe analysis of the data revealed some surprising trends.
ApproachNoun/VerbA way of dealing with something; to come near or nearer to something in distance or timeHis approach to solving complex problems is both innovative and effective.
AreaNounA particular part of a place, piece of land, or countryThe research focused on a small area of the rainforest.
AssessmentNounThe evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or somethingThe teacher’s assessment of the students’ work was fair and helpful.
AssumeVerbSuppose to be the case, without proofWe assume that the market will continue to grow.
AuthorityNounThe power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedienceShe has the authority to make changes to the curriculum.
AvailableAdjectiveAble to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposalThe book you need is available at the library.
BenefitNoun/VerbAn advantage or profit gained from something; to gain or receive good results from somethingRegular exercise has many health benefits.
ConsistentAdjectiveActing or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurateThe company has been consistent in its quality and service.
ConstitutionalAdjectiveRelating to an established set of principles governing a stateThe constitutional rights of the accused must be protected.
ContextNounThe circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessedThe historical context of the speech is important to understand its impact.
ContractNoun/VerbA written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by lawThe contract between the two companies was signed yesterday.
CreateVerbBring (something) into existenceThe artist uses recycled materials to create her sculptures.
DataNounFacts and statistics collected together for reference or analysisThe data from the experiment were inconclusive.
DefinitionNounA statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionaryThe definition of ‘quasar’ is still subject to debate among astronomers.
DerivedAdjectiveObtain something from (a specified source)The medication is derived from a natural plant extract.
DistributionNounThe action of sharing something out among a number of recipientsThe distribution of resources must be equitable to ensure fairness.
EconomicAdjectiveRelating to economics or the economyThe economic impact of the pandemic has been severe.
EnvironmentNounThe surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operatesProtecting our natural environment is crucial for future generations.
EstablishedAdjectiveHaving been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally acceptedThe festival is an established part of the city’s cultural scene.
EstimateVerb/NounRoughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent ofThe contractor provided an estimate for the renovation costs.
EvidenceNounThe available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or validThe evidence strongly suggests that the suspect was not at the scene of the crime.
ExportVerb/NounSend (goods or services) to another country for sale; the goods or services sentThe country is planning to increase its export of manufactured goods.
FactorsNounOne of the elements contributing to a particular result or situationSeveral factors influenced our decision to move.
FinancialAdjectiveRelating to financeThey were seeking financial advice to better manage their investments.
FormulaNounA mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbolsThe formula for calculating the area of a circle is πr².
FunctionNoun/VerbAn activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing; work or operate in a proper or particular wayThe main function of the brakes is to stop the car.
IdentifiedVerbEstablish or indicate who or what (someone or something) isThe species was identified using DNA analysis.
IncomeNounMoney received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investmentsHis main source of income is from his job as a consultant.
IndicateVerbPoint out; showThe signs indicate the way to the nearest hospital.
IndividualNoun/AdjectiveA single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family; single; particular; personalEach individual has rights that must be respected.
InterpretationNounThe action of explaining the meaning of somethingHis interpretation of the poem was compelling.
InvolvedAdjectiveConnected or concerned with someone or something, typically on an emotional or personal levelShe was deeply involved in the community service program.
IssuesNounAn important topic or problem for debate or discussionEnvironmental issues are becoming more urgent.
LabourNoun/VerbWork, especially physical work; work hardThe construction project required a lot of manual labour.
LegalAdjectiveRelating to the lawShe consulted her legal advisor before signing the document.
LegislationNounLaws, considered collectivelyNew legislation will affect how businesses operate.
MajorAdjective/NounVery large or important, when compared to other things or people of a similar kindA major concern for many people today is climate change.
MethodNounA particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established oneThe scientists used a new method to conduct their research.
OccurVerbHappen; take placeThe accident occurred at around 3 PM.
PercentNounOne part in every hundredAbout 50 percent of the population voted in favor.
PeriodNounA length or portion of timeShe was a famous writer during the Victorian period.
PolicyNounA course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individualThe company’s privacy policy has been updated.
PrincipleNounA fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief, or behavior or for a chain of reasoningHis decision was based on the principle of fairness.
ProcedureNounAn established or official way of doing somethingThe hospital has a strict procedure for handling emergencies.
ProcessNoun/VerbA series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular endThe application process can take several weeks.
RequiredAdjectiveOfficially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; obligatoryThe form required his signature before submission.
ResearchNoun/VerbThe systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusionsShe conducts research into the effects of climate change.
ResponseNounA verbal or written answerHis response to the allegations was swift and clear.
RoleNounThe function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situationHer role in the project was crucial for its success.
SectionNounAny of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made upThe report’s financial section was particularly detailed.
SectorNounAn area or portion that is distinct from othersThe private sector contributes significantly to the economy.
SignificantAdjectiveSufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthyThe study has made significant contributions to our understanding of the topic.
SimilarAdjectiveResembling without being identicalTheir opinions are similar, but not identical.
SourceNounA place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtainedSolar energy is a renewable source of power.
SpecificAdjectiveClearly defined or identifiedPlease provide a specific example to support your claim.
StructureNounThe arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complexThe structure of the building was designed to withstand earthquakes.
TheoryNounA supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explainedEinstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized physics.
VariableNoun/AdjectiveAn element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change; liable to vary or changeWeather is a significant variable in crop production.
TOEFL Vocabulary List

Use This Word List for Your TOEFL Test Prep

Mastering TOEFL vocabulary is crucial for success on the test day and in your future academic endeavours. Use this list as part of your TOEFL test prep. Every day, integrate them into your study routine to enhance your English language skills. This way, you can take the TOEFL exam feeling confident and prepared.

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