TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Exercises – Set 2

TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Exercises - Set 2

This practice exercise will help you enhance your vocabulary for the TOEFL speaking test. Match the words on the left with their correct meanings on the right.

The complete list of words for these exercises is taken from the blog post 88 Essential Vocabulary Words You Need for TOEFL Speaking.

Exercise A

1. Validatea. A state of uncertainty or doubt
2. Qualitativeb. Concerned with descriptions rather than numbers or statistics
3. Quandaryc. A family relationship or connection
4. Jargond. Check or prove the accuracy of something
5. Novele. An unfair preference or dislike
6. Empiricalf. New and original, not like anything seen before
7. Conceptg. Special words used by a particular group, often hard to understand
8. Kinshiph. Not directly stated, but suggested or understood
9. Impliciti. Based on observation or experience
10. Biasj. An abstract idea or notion

For the answers to Exercise A, please click here

Answers – Set 2 Exercise A

Exercise B

1. Analyzea. To examine in detail
2. Diverseb. Showing variety; different
3. Feasiblec. Possible and practical to do easily
4. Hypothesisd. A proposed explanation or theory
5. Innatee. Inborn, natural
6. Mundanef. Lacking interest or excitement; very ordinary
7. Objectiveg. Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions
8. Paradoxh. A situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities
9. Resilienti. Able to recover quickly from difficult conditions
10. Saturatej. To fill completely or to the point of overflowing

For the answers to Exercise B, please click here

Answers – Set 2 Exercise B

Want More Practice Exercises?

For more Essential TOEFL Vocabulary practice exercises, please see below

Practice Exercises – Set 1 Exercise A

Practice Exercises – Set 1 Exercise B

Practice Exercises – Set 3 Exercise A

Practice Exercises – Set 3 Exercise B

Practice Exercises – Set 4

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